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February 11, 2014

Ontario is one of the few jurisdictions where paralegals are independent legal professionals. This means that they can represent people in some types of criminal matters. Specifically, Spectrum Paralegal can represent you in summary conviction criminal offences, which are criminal offences where the maximum punishment is less than six months of imprisonment.

February 11, 2014

Denied Disability Benefits? Next Steps. In Ontario, there are two major programs that offer financial aid for disabled individuals: Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP), and Canada Pension Plan Disability (CPP-D). Specific next steps depend on which type of disability benefit program you applied for. Please click above to learn more.

February 11, 2014

In Ontario, all tenant evictions are dealt with exclusively by the Landlord and Tenant Board. The Landlord and Tenant Board can issue orders to evict a tenant, to get him or her to pay overdue rent, and more. The specific process of tenant eviction differs based on the reason for the eviction.

February 11, 2014

In Ontario, the Small Claims Court is a division of the Superior Court of Justice. It handles disputes about money or return of property for sums of $25,000 or less, and cannot issue injunctions (orders for people to do or not do something). If your claim is somewhat over $25,000, you can forego the excess […]

February 11, 2014

The main reason to fight a traffic ticket is the potential for skyrocketing insurance premiums. Traffic tickets cause insurance premiums to increase primarily because of demerit points.

Alex, Toronto

Spectrum made dealing with an unpleasant situation in a criminal court significantly less stressful, and helped me defend myself against unwarranted allegations. I don’t know what I would have done otherwise. Thank you so much!